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Call For Papers

The HOOD project is coming to an end! To discuss what has happened over the past three years, HOOD partners are organizing a conference in Turin, Italy, on June 5...

Intervision & Altervision: our experience

Our month of publications on the Intervision approach continues! After the two "bites" in which we discussed the Altervision methodology developed by Professor Luigi Gui, here we are again with...

Practicing Altervision

As promised, after the publication of an initial bite on Altervision, here is another paper to delve deeper into this fascinating approach. If you have read Bite No. 11, you...

Travel to Barcelona!

Last week, with all the hood partners we met again, this time in beautiful Barcelona! Thanks to the organizing and hosting work of SJD Serveis Socials, we had the chance...

Theoretical Premises of Altervision

As social workers, we are often immersed in a climate of uncertainty. We are faced with new and difficult situations that do not exactly recall the examples studied in theory,...

They’re talking about us!

Today the Italian online magazine for social work "Secondo Welfare" published an article signed by the Ufficio Pio team about the HOOD project. Thanks to Secondo Welfare, we had the...

Final report on early intervention

The HOOD project is getting older and our experience is mounting! Today we publish the final report of our first work area dedicated to early intervention and early assessments with...

Checking power elements in our organisations

One of the cornerstones of HOOD is the redistribution of power in social work. In the HOOD project, we have analyzed how the setting and other organizational mechanisms also have...


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