
Last week, with all the hood partners we met again, this time in beautiful Barcelona! Thanks to the organizing and hosting work of SJD Serveis Socials, we had the chance to get to know the network of entities that carry out the homeless count in the city every two years, with the support of more than 300 volunteers. In addition, SJD took us to learn about the two dormitories Hort de La Vila and La Llavor. Both are projects that aim to ensure the autonomy of the person even within a dormitory: they offer only single rooms, to which the beneficiaries have the key, they organize facility management assemblies in which the beneficiaries themselves participate, and in the future, they aim to open the facilities to neighbourhood participation. We learned a lot from SJD’s experience, on the themes of self-determination, participation and freedom that we hold dear within the HOOD project.

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