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Discovering the Enabling Coplanning

The HOOD project aims to incorporate the Enabling Coplanning Approach in early intervention with homeless people. What is the Enabling Coplanning? What does it share with the Dialogic Practices? What...

Mr. and Mrs. HOOD

The pilot phase of our project has started! The University of Turin has coordinated an initial online training event on the Enabling Coplanning approach and the Dialogical Practices. Soon we will...

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Partners’ Features

To improve our mutual knowledge, we started the project with a survey on each partner’s activities, mission, features, and target. CESIS, Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social, has coordinated...

Starting HOOD

The HOOD project has started in September 2020! For the next three years, we will upload on this website information regarding our activities. We want to share our findings with a wider...


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